sick day

When I went to get Carter from his crib today, he wasn't crying. Instead he pointed to sloshes of vomit dripping from his crib rails onto the floor, quietly caught my eye and whispered, Oh no.

I felt horrible that - for whatever reason he'd been sick - he was alone when he threw up. What a scary experience for a small child! Oh, guilt.

I dipped him in the tub, dried him off and tugged him into the most oversized, comfortable t-shirt/sweatpants combo he has. Then I braced myself for a day of general fits of unhappiness and washcloths full of puke.

Instead, he's gently and politely clung to Matt and I all day. He drags the throw blanket from our couch around the house with him, stops, sits and drapes it over his legs. It's as if he knows everyone should be blanketed for the day when they're sick.

I hated seeing him that way - sad, too defeated for squirming or grabbing my hand to take me all over the house. But I'm not gonna lie. I was loving a full day of snuggle time.

Photo on 2011-06-10 at 19.27 #4

Photo on 2011-06-10 at 19.26 #3


  1. Poor little guy, sending him lots of love from Australia. Love Jem

  2. so sad, hope he feels better soon! it's so hard seeing your little one's sick! Hey please check out my blog ....ya funny combo my hubby's e-mail with my blog anyway, just started....but hope you follow you have inspired me to start a mom blog and keep up with levi!

  3. :( so sad. I have having sick babies.

    I love your blog! glad I found it.

  4. Hey, meghann I Just changed my view status to anyone....sorry just getting the hang of this blog thing! Please come check me I hope Carter is doing better today! I hope he doesn't have the flu bug that is going around. Levi had it last week! I was wondering if you get a chance to look at my blog...and like it... I wanted to know if you would feature me as a new blog on your blog! That is if you like my blog and want too! I totally understand if you don't. Just trying to gain followers! thanks, Janelle

  5. Poor baby! I hope he feels better soon! I once walked into my oldest daughter's room when she was about 2 and she was just sitting there, covered in puke, saying "Uh oh Mama!". Just breaks your heart!

  6. You're beautiful! Thought you could use some nice words :) Having a little man a few months older than mine makes it wonderful for me to look to you for advice on what I should be doing! Keep up the good work!

  7. Oh, no! So sad when they don't understand what's happening! The first time my daughter threw up (at about two) she didn't even have the words to describe it. This sad, worried little face looked up at me and said, "Mommy - I spilled. Big mess."

    Hilarious now that those are the words she chose.

    I hope Carter is doing better but that you fully enjoyed the snuggle opportunity!
