

  1. Wow, look at those gorgeous eyes! I always love seeing your posts Meghann!

  2. So glad to see you post again! Your little man is so handsome!

  3. Oh, he is soooo cute!

  4. :) He's so cute! Look at those eyes. He's going to be a heart breaker one day. Glad to see you posted!

  5. Hi Megahn i´m very happy to know that you are fine!!! take your time girl.

    Greetings from Germany!!

  6. Just had to pop by cuz I have missed checking in on you all! Such adorable pictures of your little boy. You take great pictures momma! I'll browse a bit more to try and catch up:). I never get to visit blogs anymore. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  7. Been missing you and Carter. Reading your blog before, I always felt like our little boys were growing up together. You're a very talented, amazing, beautiful momma! Hope to see you posting again soon!

  8. I am soooo glad you are back to blogging again !! I was so disappointed as I had assumed that you had put an end to blogging...my son is the same age as Carter...and I love seeing his pics...
    Wish u and ur family a merry Christmas...n do keep posting the lil updates of lil Carter...
    Love from India.

  9. Can you blog more please? I am starting to forget to check, and don't want to forget forever. I love reading your blog!

  10. Why dont you ever blog anymore? We miss you!

  11. i miss ur blogs...:( pls pls do post some pics of Carter

  12. These are so cute. i cant wait for christmas to come, its the best time of the year by far.

  13. Hey people take care. Because i think Bringing up Bumble is hacked. The "help" post seems to me not authentic. If Megan really wanted financial help, she would have made atleast a video post or write some blog. That being said i miss Megan and her blog posts so much.

    1. hi Anonymous, sadly, it really is me asking for money. And you're right, normally I'd have a blog post or video about it ... but after 9 months of not writing, I want what I write to be done really well, so it's taking me a few days to get the blog post together. I've also done a video that I hope I can finish editing this weekend. It's good of you to assume that my blog was spammed though, it is really out of character for me to be this way on it. Hopefully people can tell by my writing style that it's really me under here :)

  14. Glad to read your post :). It is very informative!

  15. I appreciate your blog post, beautifully expressed and well written.

  16. Very value able post, I read the whole story when I start reading it.

  17. How come you never blog or do videos anymore?

  18. Really disappointing that you ask for money and then stop sharing.

  19. Hi Megan, what do you need money for ?

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