New 'do!

We took the baby for his first haircut. I didn't trust myself to trim it at home, and parts of his hair - sparse as it is - were getting too shaggy and messy. We went to Mario, the same barber Matt's gone to his whole life.

It happened so much faster than I thought it would. Within 30 seconds, he was in the chair, sitting on my husband's lap. Cape or no cape? was all I got asked.

Scrambling for my cameras, I barely had time to warn Mario. Just don't cut the hair at the top, only the sides.
It has to be even, he told me.
And then, all of a sudden, I was handed a different(ish) looking baby!

I only teared up a little.

We almost forgot to grab some locks of hair as a keepsake for his baby box. Luckily Matt remembered.

After it was over, we grabbed some Starbucks and went to visit Grandpop. He loved Carter's hair.

Here's some video footage:


  1. It looks great! He sure is a handsome little guy.

  2. what a cutie!! he looks like it was a routine thing, getting his hair cut!! so calm & laid back :) that's awesome!

  3. Carter is a doll. I'm a hairdresser and I must say he did a great job for his first haircut. My son is six months old I can't wait till he grows more hair so I can style it.
    Thanks for great reading on this blog :)

  4. Oh my goodness! So adorable! I loved in the little video clip how you said, "Carter is just going to get his hair trimmed on the sides so he doesn't look like a wolf man." You are too funny! :) I love his new hair cut!

  5. I teared up watching this video. Our son's are about the same age and my son has 'wings' and should really get his hair cut. But to be honest I'm scared. Carter looks adorable with his new do! :)

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