mother's day

Happy belated Mother's Day, mommy friends!

My husband had to work all day yesterday. My mom came to town to keep me company armed with flowers and presents. We went with my brother and Carter to North Carolina's Museum of Life & Science to practice our animal sounds and stroll around.

I paired Carter and I in matching navy blue outfits, but as Mother's Day would have it, he gagged on a snack he was eating and threw up all over his clothes and stroller five minutes into the building.

Since I stopped carrying a spare change of clothes 20 trillion months ago, we took his navy polo off and threw an oversized sweat jacket over his naked skin. His shorts were still soggy with puke, so for the rest of the day we were the owners of the stinky kid whose parents don't bathe him.

We reached the butterfly house; it wasn't too fly (haha), so Stinky got ahold of his grandma's phone to pass the time. We realized he'd called 911 after they called back, asking if we were ok.

Considering we had a police-calling, puke child, we were. Maybe we should have asked them to have the dispatchers bring a change of clothes?






The best part about Carter's Grandma? The never judging, always helping, laughing and admiring parts. Carter follows her around everywhere. Which says a lot, because he doesn't even follow the cats anymore.

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  1. Your mom looks very young ,what a pity!your husband worked on mother's day!happy mother's day!

  2. she would be happy to hear that! it was a bummer that he worked. :(

  3. Happy mothers day to you 2222!!

  4. cute pie pics! mothers day is kinda the best idea ever, right? ;)
